Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time, Talents, and Everything the Lord Has Given Me

Jesus suffered - before the spear wound and the nails - scourging (which in itself killed some), the crown of thorns crushed into His scalp, deprivation of sleep and sustenance, humiliation, unbelief, scorn...all this, AFTER the expiatory agony of the Garden. As he trod the Via Dolorosa in a near state of physical, mental and emotional collapse, He could at any time have "self-medicated" - or, more specifically, self-healed. He alone among mortals - for He was mortal - had the power to do that, for He had nascent Immortality in Him. He could have healed Himself in every moment in every particular. But at every stage, He practiced Self-denial: "No. I will not do this for Myself, that I MAY do it for others."
Because of His choices in my behalf, I will never be alone in suffering or in agony; I will never be faced with more than I can bear. He only asks that I do as He did, that I use whatever "powers" He has given me, whatever talents, gifts, capabilities, callings, stewardships - not for my own benefit, but for others'.

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